When You Fall Victim To A Cyber-Attack Through No Fault Of Your Own, Will They Call You STUPID... Or Just IRRESPONSIBLE? An URGENT Notice To All Small Business Owners and CEOs In The GTA and Simcoe County

It’s EXTREMELY unfair, isn’t it? Victims of all other crimes - burglary, rape, mugging, carjacking, theft - get sympathy from others. They are called “victims” and support comes flooding in, as it should.

But, if your business is the victim of a cybercrime attack where client or patient data is compromised, you will NOT get such sympathy. You will be instantly labelled as stupid or irresponsible. You will be investigated and questioned about what you did to prevent this from happening - and if the answer is not adequate, you can be found liable, facing serious fines and lawsuits EVEN IF you trusted an outsourced IT support company to protect you. Claiming ignorance is not an acceptable defence, and this giant, expensive and reputation-destroying nightmare will land squarely on YOUR shoulders. But, it doesn’t end there…

According to data protection laws, you may be required to tell your clients that YOU exposed them to cyber criminals. Your competition will have a hay day over this. Clients will be IRATE and leave in droves. Morale will TANK and employees will BLAME YOU. Your bank is NOT required to replace funds stolen due to cybercrime (go ask them), and unless you have a very specific type of insurance policy, any financial losses will be denied coverage.

Please do NOT underestimate the importance and likelihood of these threats. It is NOT safe to assume your IT company (or guy) is doing everything they should be doing to protect you. In fact, there is a high probability they are NOT, which we can demonstrate with your permission.

Call Us Today

Our Free Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Will Give You The Answers You Want, The Certainty You Need.

For a limited time, we are offering to give away a Free Cybersecurity Risk Assessment to a select group of businesses. This is entirely free and without obligation. EVERYTHING WE FIND AND DISCUSS WILL BE STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.

Call Us Today

This assessment will provide verification from a qualified third-party on whether or not your current IT company is doing everything they should to keep your computer network not only up and running, but SAFE from cybercrime.

To get started, sign up for your Cybersecurity Risk Assessment TODAY by calling us or completing the form on this page.

Give Us A Call

Toronto: 416-907-8018

Simcoe County: 705-881-1844