MYDWARE IT Solutions Inc.

Archive for December, 2020

Making Ongoing Risk Management an Operational Standard

No business today is 100 percent secure from cyberthreats and more businesses are waking up to this reality now than ever before. It’s no wonder cybersecurity investment in 2020 is pegged to grow by 5.6 percent to reach nearly $43.1 ...

Password Managers – Part 2

In this video blog post we will continue where we left off in our Password Managers - Part 1, we will demonstrate some of the more advanced and useful things you can do with a password manager. Things such as ...

Security - Do You Know Your Digital Risk?

Rapid technological advancement and rising global connectivity is reshaping the way the world is functioning. From higher productivity to improved customer satisfaction, technology has played a critical role in the growth of businesses across the world. However, the consequential bad ...

Password Managers - Part 1

In high school, it was a daily routine to download the latest and greatest music from platforms that shall remain unnamed. It was a futile effort because on multiple occasions I unintentionally downloaded malicious software that would crash the computer ...

Ransomware: Cybersecurity’s Biggest Bully Yet

Can you imagine logging into your system to access your business data and being unable to do so? Talk about your worst nightmare coming true!

4 Critical Cyber Security Protections EVERY Business Must Have In Place NOW To Avoid Being Hacked

Did you know the average website is attacked 94 times every day? As cybercriminals become better equipped with more advanced technology, that number will increase. Small-business websites (and small businesses, in general) are the most at risk for attack. Small ...


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