MYDWARE IT Solutions Inc.

Archive for June, 2022

Beware New Windows Vulnerability With Remote Search Window Access

You may not know the name Matthew Hickey, but you should thank him for a recent discovery that could save you a lot of grief. Hickey is the co-founder of a company ...

Some Carrier Embedded Android Apps May Have Security Vulnerabilities

Recently, Microsoft reported high severity security vulnerabilities in multiple apps offered by large international mobile service providers.  What makes this especially noteworthy is the fact that these vulnerabilities aren't app specific, but ...

How GTA and Simcoe County Professional Services Firms and Construction Companies Can Quickly Eliminate Tech Problems in Their Office

Now more than ever, we depend on technology to run our business (and our lives). When the "internet goes down," most businesses are at a standstill until they are back online, costing ...

Millions Of MySQL Server Users’ Data Found On The Internet

Do you maintain a MySQL server?  If so, you're certainly not alone.  What you may not know is that according to research conducted by The Shadowserver Foundation, (a cybersecurity research group) there ...

How To Do Super Fast Sums In Excel Without Formulas

Excel is great for calculations with formulas. But if you find your head spinning trying to remember how they work, we have the ultimate Excel hack for you. This video shows you how to do super-fast sums without formulas. ...

How To Speed Up Typing In Excel

Do you find yourself typing duplicate words or numbers into Excel? You can speed up this process by using the clever Flash Fill feature. It'll save you from typing out the same info multiple times. Here's how to use it. ...

Hackers Are Using Personal Messages On WhatsApp To Attack

Are you a WhatsApp user?  If so, be aware that hackers have worked out a means of hijacking a user's WhatsApp account and gaining access to a user's contact list and personal ...

Microsoft Releases Multiple New Features For Teams

Teams was "just another Microsoft application" before the pandemic.  Thanks to Covid-19 though, demand for video conferencing solutions shot through the roof, and suddenly Teams found its groove. Microsoft had been gamely ...

Why Smart Businesses Outsource Their IT Needs

In today's business world, technology plays a significant role in almost every industry. It has disrupted the way ...

Need More Reliable IT Services for Your Business?

One of the biggest challenges that small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) face is how to use their limited ...


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