MYDWARE IT Solutions Inc.

Archive for March, 2023

Slow File Transfer Windows 11 Solution

Microsoft has finally released a fix to address slow file transfer issues that plagued some Windows 11 users after an update. The slowdown has caused frustration for those who need to move ...

Bitwarden’s Iframe Flaw Explained

The purpose of password managers is to safeguard our login credentials and online accounts. However, a popular password manager recently made headlines for its major security flaw. Bitwarden is under scrutiny because ...

Are Your Productivity Tools Actually Slowing You Down?

Productivity tools are designed to help you be more productive. Right? However, if your employees are not trained to use your time-saving solution... Alternatively, if it is not properly integrated with your other systems... Or, if it was simply the ...

Everything to Know About Essendant’s Multi-Day Outage

Essendant, a Staples-owned wholesale distributor of office supplies and stationery, paused its operations recently because of a multi-day, network-wide outage. The system disruption has prevented customers from placing orders online or contacting ...

It's No Internet Explorer - 7 Features of Microsoft Edge That Make the App a Productivity Powerhouse

Many business owners shy away from Microsoft Edge, thinking it'll slow down their operations. However, the browser has been massively upgraded and can help boost productivity. Microsoft has made great strides since the introduction of Internet Explorer. The company now ...

The Best Defense Against Ransomware

Ransomware is a type of malicious software that encrypts files on a device or network, making them unusable until the victim pays the ...

Microsoft Patch Tuesday

Microsoft released on March 14, 2023, a security update that fixes at least 74 bugs in Windows and other software. Hackers are already attacking two flaws, including a very serious one in ...

How to Add Other Country Calendars to Your Own

Having your national holidays in your Outlook calendar is really useful. But if you also have clients and colleagues in other parts of the world, then knowing their national holidays is important too. ...

AT&T Data Breach – 9 Million Affected

In a recent statement, telecommunications giant AT&T confirmed that a hack on a vendor it was working with exposed around 9 million accounts. AT&T said that the sensitive information was mainly about ...

Hiatus Malware Targets Business Routers

There is a new malware campaign targeting business-grade routers. It is called Hiatus, a complex operation that deploys the HiatusRAT malware. It is a kind of Remote Access Trojan (RAT) that cybercriminals ...


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