MYDWARE IT Solutions Inc.

Archive for July, 2023

Protecting Your Business: Preventing and Detecting Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware is malware that accesses your network and locks you out of your system. It steals important data and files, locks them, and demands payment in exchange. Preventing and detecting ransomware attacks ...

Prepare Your Kids For A Successful School Year Tech Tips To Maximize Learning Potential

Back-to-school season has finally arrived, and it won’t be long before our kids are back in the classroom, learning all sorts of different subjects. Although it’s an exciting time for our kids, ...

Don’t Sabotage Employee Cybersecurity Training With These Common Mistakes

In today’s rapidly evolving threat landscape, employee cybersecurity training is crucial. It acts as the frontline defence against ...

Streamlining Business Operations: Unlocking the Potential of Modern Workflow Optimization

Have you found your team’s workflow needs improvement? Using current tools to improve workflow could help your business run better. These methods improve performance and boost productivity. Integration also takes less time ...

Which Form of MFA Is the Most Secure? Which Is the Most Convenient?

Credential theft is now at an all-time high and is responsible for more data breaches than any other type of attack. With data and business processes now largely cloud-based ...

Gmail Update Simplifies Scheduling Meetings

Scheduling a meeting is not the most enjoyable task. You email someone to find a time. They respond with several alternatives. You choose one. They confirm. There is a lot of communication ...

The Role of Software Updates in Keeping Your Business Running Smoothly

You may believe software updates are only intended to resolve bugs or add new features, but they have far more benefits for your business. They improve the compatibility and performance of ...

Scary Stat: 87% of Businesses Hit by This in the Last Year

You may think that cyber attacks only happen to large corporations. But unfortunately, that's not the case. ...

Remote Work Cybersecurity Risks: Safeguarding Your Business in the Digital Era

With the new normal brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic came the remote work boom. Teleworking brings with it benefits like improved productivity and flexibility. However, it also presents cybersecurity risks. Let's ...

Windows Update Ransomware

When you see a Windows update, you anticipate a security improvement, not a threat. However, a sneaky extortion scam disguised as a Windows update page has recently appeared. Its danger lies in ...


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