Consider this: you're fast asleep after a long day at work when your phone begins to buzz.

It's a slew of notifications from various apps verifying that you're the one attempting to log in.

With all these Multi Factor Authentication requests, you're half asleep and confused. So, you press YES, and they stop.

You go back to sleep... but... you've just given cybercriminals access to your account.

A 'fatigue attack' is what this is called. They're also becoming more common.

Good news: Microsoft Authenticator has a strategy to keep you safe from your sleepy self.

It's known as 'number matching,' and it's very simple. When you receive a login notification, you must enter a number displayed on your app.

Yes, it is a little extra work. But it forces you to think about the login notification, not just hit a button. And that keeps you safer.

Whether you already use Microsoft Authenticator or not, we can assist you in getting started.