The world's tallest and sturdiest wall can be constructed by you.
However, if your security officer just allows folks to pass the gate by flashing a bogus ID, you may have a staff training issue.
And for this reason, your company's biggest cyber security risk is its workforce.
Numerous studies have demonstrated that the great majority of successful cyberattacks are the result of human error.
When your team is schooled in what to look for, the telltale symptoms of a security breach, and what to do if they suspect an assault is in progress, they stop being a security weakness and start being a strength.
In order for training to be effective, three key aspects must be covered.
Start by observing your staff and examining your systems. Determine the team's largest risks and knowledge gaps. then practice those exercises.
Make sure training is interesting second. Role plays and interactive quizzes could make some members of your team grimace, but they are effective.
People retain information and are more inclined to put it into practice when learning is enjoyable.
Third, make sure the training was effective.
Test your employees with phony phishing attacks that they wouldn't anticipate.
Consider this to be a fire drill. People who fall for a false fraud still pose a security risk and might require additional training.
If everyone notices it and reports it, though? You can be sure they'll slam the door in a true criminal's face after that. Well done!
Contact us if you need assistance putting a customized training strategy for your team into action. Every day, we protect businesses from cyberattacks.