Hi Small Business Owners, welcome to this edition of "Lies they Believe", and "The Truths, I Know"

In this video we will seek to uncover a common cybersecurity misconceptions I hear when I speak to Small Business Owners.

"Number 13 - Darryl - I never click links I don’t trust, and I always check the sender first.  I wont get phished, I never click on things I shouldn’t."

But you see, that just isn't the truth.  The TRUTH IS, YOUR only human, and anyone can make a mistake.

Remember Folks, the bad guys only need to get lucky ONCE.  Even if you assume that you're too smart to be phished, or that you'd never click anything malicious, can you really say the same thing for everyone you work with?

You see, in most organizations, computer systems and servers within the company are interconnected with each other.

Compromising one machine can result in remote control of other machines on the network as well.   This technique is called "lateral movement" and it’s a very common tactic used by threat actors to steal your data or to deploy ransomware.

The reality is an overwhelming majority of cyberattacks started by phishing or social engineering an employee.  This is why Darkweb Monitoring, Ongoing Security Awareness Training & Testing are such critical layers in your cybersecurity defence strategy.  When passwords or employees are at risk, you need to know about it BEFORE it's used against you.

Do not be a victim of a cyber-attack, for more cybersecurity tips and best practices, visit our BLOG - or - CONTACT US for a complementary Cybersecurity Risk Assessment TODAY.