One of your most valuable business assets is data.

As a result, keeping it safe should be a top priority.

If you don't have good security in place, here are three things you should do right now to protect your company.

You must first install a firewall. This creates a firewall between your network and the rest of the world. It keeps track of both incoming and outgoing traffic.

Then, for everyone, start using a password manager.

This generates passwords at random, making them extremely difficult to guess. And stores them securely so you don't have to remember any login information.

Finally, set up a VPN, or Virtual Private Network.

A VPN is essential for anyone who works remotely. It prevents any curious criminals from eavesdropping on your activities and accessing your data.

Keep in mind that this is the absolute bare minimum. Layers of different tools working together to protect you against every type of cyber threat are required for strong security.

Every day, we create something like this for our clients. Contact us to keep your company safe.