Hi Small Business Owners, welcome to this edition of "Lies they Believe", and "The Truths, I Know".

In this video we will uncover another common cybersecurity misconception I hear when I speak to Small Business Owners.

"Number 11 - Darryl - I have a guy I call when something breaks, and he's really cheap!"

But you see, that just is not the truth.  The TRUTH IS, when it comes to cybersecurity, if you are waiting for something to break, and you are the one who must call and notify your guy, its already too late, and the damage is already done.

You see, responding and recovering after a cybersecurity incident is not cheap or easy.

Most often, there are legal, financial and repetitional damages that far surpass what IT management and cybersecurity services would have cost for an entire year.

If you consider this, your IT guy may not be cheap.

You see, when Cybersecurity is done properly, your IT Systems are being monitored, and scanned for malicious activity around the clock.

When malicious behavior is detected, your IT Security Team should be able to intervene in Realtime.

If this type of monitoring and proactive IT management is not taking place, your guy will never know something is wrong and will have little chance of stopping anything before it is too late.

Cybersecurity involves a lot of proactive service, tools, skills, and IT best practices.

Simply put, if your IT is being done REACTIVELY, you are highly likely a sitting duck for a cyberattack.

Folks, reactive IT support and management is the way things were done 20 years ago, with todays sophisticated cyberattacks, if you are not proactively managing your IT systems with proper cybersecurity controls, and services, you, and your employees, are ONLY one bad click away from having an unbelievably dreadful day.

Do not be a victim of a cyber-attack, for more cybersecurity tips and best practices, visit our BLOG - or - CONTACT US for a complementary Cybersecurity Risk Assessment TODAY.