Hi Small Business Owners, welcome to this edition of "Lies they Believe", and "The Truths, I Know"
In this video we'll uncover another common cybersecurity misconception I hear when I speak to Small Business Owners.
Number 7 : “Darryl - The cloud is NOT safe! I don’t trust it, I hear about breaches on the news ALL the time!”
But you see, that just isn't the truth. The TRUTH IS, being in the cloud is no more, or no less, secure than having everything onsite in your office.
You see, when it comes to the security of your data, not only do YOU need to consider the server & infrastructure, but YOU must also consider the security of the ALL the devices that use it, regardless of being in the cloud or not.
In this sense, the security controls needed in the cloud are very similar to the security controls needed in an office. Many will argue that cloud security controls are more robust, and modern, to what you'll typically find onsite in your office.
Folks, at the end of the day, being in the cloud makes you no more, or less secure than having everything in your office, it all comes down to how its being managed, after all, data breaches, and ransomware happen locally and in the cloud.
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