MYDWARE IT Solutions Inc.

Archive for April, 2024

How A Financial Advisor Lost $50k To World-Class Con Artists

Imagine the countless reports of hard-earned cash vanishing into thin air due to financial scams and online fraud. ...

Brand New Zoom AI Tools

Zoom became popular as businesses and individuals needed to connect across remote locations. Originally, users with the appropriate codes could join the right chatroom to meet virtually via video, audio, and text ...

Understanding How CRM Software Can Improve Businesses

A customer relationship management system primarily helps businesses manage, track, and organize customer relationships. CRM systems feature numerous tools that sales and marketing professionals can use to understand customers better.   Understanding how ...

New Notepad Spellcheck Feature

Was your business around back in 1983 when Windows Notepad graced the world? It allowed people to use a simple document creator to write and edit plain text, and for many, it ...

Real-Time Data Monitoring for Operations

Real-time monitoring is a business practice in which employees monitor the performance of machinery and equipment. It can benefit you regardless of what kind of facility you manage or work in. In ...

Misconception #10: “Darryl - you offer a premium service, we do not need all the bells and whistles.”

Hi Small Business Owners, welcome to this edition of "Lies they Believe", and "The Truths, I Know". In this video we'll uncover another common cybersecurity misconception I hear when I speak to Small Business Owners. ...

This Google Sheets Update Could Improve Productivity

Like all of Google Suite, Google Sheets is a convenient tool available to any Google user who needs it. Online collaboration tools make work smoother, so Google Sheets is rolling out an ...

Wi-Fi 7: A Game-Changer or Just Another Expense?

Staying ahead in today's cutthroat market means keeping up with the latest tech trends. One recent game-changer is Wi-Fi 7, the next-gen wireless connection. But is it the right move for your business tech upgrade? Let's break it down: Lightning-fast ...

Mastering Incident Response: A Small Business Guide to Bankruptcy Prevention and Reputation Excellence

Got you wanting to shield your systems from disasters or failures just by reading the headline? As you should be! As ...

The Rise of Insider Threats

The greatest threat to your security is not an anonymous hacker working from a remote location but, more than likely, an in-house employee who knows all your trade secrets. In businesses, insider ...


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